It was a rainy day, and we decided what better way to relax than a few buckets of warm slime! Sapphire and I start with some nuru massage oil as I rub it all over her body and fill her panties with it. After some more sensual rubbing, I pour the rest of it all over her beautiful ass as she bends over, and I give her a nice rubdown. Then we get messy! We top each other off with some excellent thick Splatter Emporium teal gunge, and you can hear all of Sapphire's exclamations as the slime oozes down her body. I continue giving her a nice, messy, sensual rubdown as she adorably squeals and moans. After we wrestle around in the gunge for a few minutes, I can no longer resist putting my face in between her juicy thighs and pleasuring her with my tongue. Sapphire writhes in pleasure as I keep going until she's shaking. This scene is shown in two angles, one after another. Now it's my turn! Sapphire pours teal and purple SE gunges all over my legs and thighs and starts slathering it on my hard cock! I lift my legs, and she pours the thick slime all over my hard cock, and it covers my ass. She then gets on top of me and teases me by sliding her body all over mine. This moment is hot! The slime oozes out between our bodies as it becomes a lube between our naughty bits. After that, she lays me down and covers me in the gunge, splashing me in the face and then bending me over to give my ass some love. She gives me a nice gooey butt massage and strokes me from behind. This is also shown in two angles.
Now, part two begins! I suggest watching the whole thing instead of boring you with the details! But in summary: Sapphire gives me an orgasmic handjob while fingering my ass; we fuck in the teal/purple mix that creates a sapphire tint (we both giggled), and there's a beautiful POV shot of her sucking me off. There is plenty of gunge pouring all over our faces and bodies, and she even gets out the water cannon and squirts slime all over my ass as I'm bent over like a slutty slime target.
In short, we had fun! It's going to be a messy summer, for sureee